Select a course
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Compliance Course
Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Sensitivity at Work
Best Practices for Stress Management & Mindfulness at Work
Boards That Work
Budgeting for Nonprofits
Build Your Case For Donorship Support
Career Brand Success
Communicating Internally
Communication Success
Corporate Fundraising That Works
Course #1: An Introduction to Mental Health and Psychological Safety at Work
Creating an Inclusive Organization - Learning for Nonprofit Leaders
Dealing with Difficult People
Decolonizing the Boardroom
DEI Best Practices for Nonprofits
Developing Emotional Resiliency & Self-Care
Digital Transformation
Diversity, Sensitivity, and Inclusion Training
Donor Stewardship
Effective Communications - The 3 Keys
Effectively Onboarding New Staff and Volunteers
Enhancing Productivity for Employees Working from Home
Event Planning
Finding and Advancing Your Career
Foundations in Customer and Client Service
Fundraising Bundle
Giving Feedback With Confidence
Governing Your Organization: A Deeper Dive
How Fundraising Works
How To Develop Corporate Sponsorships
How To Develop Strategic Gift Planning
IDEA Fundamentals
Introduction aux préjugés inconscients
Introduction to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Nonprofits
Introduction to Unconscious Bias
Navigating Politics and Political Priorities in the Workplace
OHSA and AODA Compliance Training Package for Leaders and Supervisors
OHSA Health and Safety Awareness Training for Supervisors
OHSA Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Training for Employees
OHSA Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Training for Leaders
Online & Virtual Success
Optimizing Remote Work Transitions for Employers
Principes fondamentaux d'IDEA
Proposal Writing
Receipting Charitable Gifts (Canada)
Receiving Feedback with Confidence
Resolving Conflict
Self-Management Success
Smart Social Media Etiquette in the Business World
Strategic Planning
The Power of Effective Body Language
Virtual Events
Virtual Volunteering
Volunteer Engagement
Working in Teams
Workplace Relationship Success
Would You Hire You?
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures
Backpack to Briefcase - Introduction to Workplace Soft Skills
Event Planning Bundle
Imagine Canada Grant Seeker Bundle
Imagine Canada Standards Program Bundle
Management & Leadership Bundle
Mental Health and Psychological Safety at Work Master Certificate Program
OHSA and AODA Compliance Training Package for Employees/Workers
OHSA and AODA Compliance Training Package for Leaders
OHSA and AODA Compliance Training Package for Workers
OHSA and AODA Employee Compliance Training Package for NonProfits and Charities
Special Events Bundle
Workplace Etiquette and Soft Skills Training
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